NDIS Services

NDIS Services

NDIS Services Adelaide

The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is an Australian government initiative designed to provide support and funding for individuals with permanent and significant disabilities. The NDIS aims to empower people with disabilities by giving them greater choice and control over the services and supports they receive.

Our team of Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists provide specialised services that support individuals with disabilities in achieving their goals. Ther services we provide include;

Functional Capacity Assessments (FCA)

Functional Capacity Assessments are designed to determine an individual’s ability to perform daily activities and tasks related to their disability. These assessments aim to identify the strengths and limitations of a participant in various areas, such as personal care, mobility, communication, and social interaction. 

This assessment helps to identify the types of supports and interventions needed to enhance an individual’s capacity and independence. The results of these assessments help to inform the development of NDIS plans, guiding funding decisions and the allocation of resources to best support the individual’s needs.

Assistive Technology (AT) Assessments

Assistive Technology assessments are evaluations that identify and recommend devices or equipment that can help individuals with disabilities perform everyday tasks more easily and safely. These assessments focus on understanding the specific needs of the participant and determining the most suitable technology to enhance their functional capacity. 

Assistive Technology assessments are tailored to the individual’s goals, physical abilities, and living environment to identify the most effective solutions. Some common Assistive Technology items prescribed by Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists include;

  • Wheelchairs and electric mobility aids
  • Bathroom aids
  • Seating options e.g. recliner chairs and dining chairs
  • Kitchen aids
  • Mobility and transfer aids
  • Bed transfer aids
  • Pressure care aids
  • Feeding and cooking aids
  • Daily living aids e.g. aids to assist with showering, dressing and grooming
  • Orthotics e.g. splints to support joint function and prevent further injury.

Home Safety Assessments and Home Modifications (Minor and Major Home Modifications)

A home safety assessment evaluates the safety and accessibility of an individual’s home environment. The goal is to identify potential hazards and determine what modifications or supports are needed to reduce the risk of injury and improve daily functioning. 

Occupational Therapists typically conduct these assessments, considering factors such as mobility, access to essential areas (e.g., bathroom, kitchen), and fall risks. Home modifications may be required in order to improve accessibility and functionality. This may include recommendations for structural changes, such as widening doorways, installing ramps, or modifying bathrooms to better suit the participant’s needs. 

These modifications aim to enhance the participant’s independence, safety, and ability to perform daily activities. Occupational Therapists often collaborate with builders and architects to ensure the modifications are appropriate and effective.

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